Step 4 in the Township & Upper Steps: Design Best Practices
July 2023 | Free Credits: BC Housing, BOABC, AIBC, CACEA
Pat Cuthbert of Aqua-Coast Engineering presented this webinar with an overview of the upper Step Code targets and how they differ from the lower steps. He also outlined the role of the Energy Advisor in the design and permit application process, and best practices for architecture and building enclosure design for the upper steps. It included a summary of airtightness testing requirements and best practices, as well as best practices for mechanical (HVAC and DHW) design for the upper steps. He also shared examples of Part 9 projects that meet the upper steps, and led a brief discussion on occupancy thermal comfort (i.e. overheating) and how it relates to the upper steps.
“I appreciated that ACE focused on many different alternatives to reach Step 4 with a focus on a proper envelope. A well-built envelope truly is key!”
Anonymous Survey Response“The information provided is well put forward and easy to comprehend”
Anonymous Survey Response“[Most Valuable was]: Strategies to improve buildings from the point of view of energy conservation, and also cautionary notes about things that can go in the wrong direction”
Anonymous Survey Response“All information was very relevant”
Anonymous Survey Response